Thursday, February 26, 2009

Carnaval, Tapas and Intercambios

Hola a todos!! I hope everyone is doing well! Everything is going pretty well here! So let me give you an update on what's been going on! This past weekend was Carnaval here and it was a lot of fun! It is pretty much like Mardi Gras in the sense of partying hard before Lent. So everyone was out in the street drinking and living it up! Also, you're supposed to dress up. I was a hippie, but it kinda looks more like a flower child. Some of the costumes the locals wore were absolutely crazy. As you will see in my pictures, many men dressed like women and some costumes were just absurd and out there! It was such a cool experience. The only thing I didn't like was that there were 2 stages with live music and the one that my friends and I were at, they were playing really old American music, like "You ain't nothing but a hound dog" and songs like that. So we were like umm why are they playing this because no one but us knows what they're saying haha. It was kinda weird. It was just crazy to see the whole city out in the street. There were even families with their kids out. It was just a huge celebration for everyone of all ages.

A common thing here is something called Tapas, which are kinda like appetizers. There are so many different types of Tapas and I pretty much love them all. So I decided to take a 2 day class on how to make some of the main ones. It was really cool because we got to watch a chef make them and then we got to eat them when we were done! We were allowed to help make them if we wanted but I was sick for the first class and I didn't want to risk it for the second class, so I just watched. We got the recipes for them too, so I can try to make them when I come back home, or even make them for my future class! It was a lot of fun and a great way to experience the Spanish culture.

I have met up with my intercambios 2 more times since my last post and every time we have a good time together. It is just really cool actually having Spanish friends that you can talk to and hold conversations with. We keep making all of these plans that we want to do as a group, like go to Vikky's campo (little country house) and eat Paella, or go to the beach and play volleyball, or go out to the barrio. They are really easy to talk to you and it is so great being able to practice Spanish with them. I'm really glad that I got Vikky and Isa because a lot of people have not been able to meet up with their intercambios, so I'm really lucky.

This weekend we are going to Madrid!! I'm so excited! I will take lots of pictures and tell you guys all about it when I get back! And here are my upcoming trips:
March 6-7: Granada, Spain
March 12-15: London, England
March 18: Valencia, Spain
March 19-21: Basel, Switzerland
It's gonna be a busy month, but I'm so ready to travel and see more of the world!! I miss everyone so much!! Muchos besos!! (Many kisses)

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